Substitute Senate Bill No. 386, also known as "AN ACT CONCERNING DESIGNATION OF POLLING PLACES, EARLY VOTING AND REGIONAL ELECTION ADVISORS," outlines new procedures for the relocation of polling places within a municipality. It requires that any proposed move be presented at a regular meeting of the legislative body at least 120 days before an election or primary, followed by a public hearing no later than 110 days before, and final approval or disapproval at least 100 days prior. The bill amends existing statutes, such as Section 9-168, to ensure the legislative body determines the place of holding elections, and it repeals and replaces several sections to align with these new requirements. The bill also emphasizes the legislative body's role in providing suitable polling places, combining voting districts, and designating polling places in adjacent districts when necessary.

Additionally, the bill mandates a statewide review of early voting procedures after the presidential preference primary on April 2, 2024, with a report due by May 1, 2024. It modifies the memorandum of understanding requirements between regional election advisors and regional councils of governments and details the appointment and responsibilities of moderators and officials for early voting. The bill will take effect on July 1, 2024, for most sections, with some sections effective from passage, and it does not have a fiscal impact on the state or municipalities. The bill also transfers powers from registrars of voters to the municipal legislative body in certain situations, changes the process for designating new polling locations, eliminates the March 1 deadline for regional election advisors to enter into a memorandum of understanding, and allows registrars of voters to appoint one of themselves as the moderator for early voting with certain conditions.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 9-168, 9-168a, 9-168b, 9-169
GAE Joint Favorable Substitute: 9-168, 9-168a, 9-168b, 9-169
File No. 392: 9-168, 9-168a, 9-168b, 9-169