House Bill 5414 (File No. 538) is a legislative proposal that seeks to enhance legal protections for victims of sexual assault, trafficking in persons, and stalking by amending existing statutes. The bill expands the definition of discrimination to include these victims as a protected class, making it a criminal offense to intimidate or harass them through acts such as placing nooses or burning crosses on property. It also prohibits employment discrimination based on an individual's status as a victim of these crimes, and it requires employers, employment agencies, and labor organizations to refrain from discriminatory practices in hiring, discharging, or setting employment conditions. The bill mandates that employers provide a reasonable leave of absence for victims to seek necessary services or safety measures and ensures confidentiality of an employee's victim status. Additionally, it extends anti-discrimination protections to areas such as public accommodations, housing, and credit transactions, and covers other areas under the jurisdiction of the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO), including state employment and licensing. The bill also requires state agencies to provide training on domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, and stalking, with specific deadlines for training current and new employees.

The bill further proposes that the CHRO, in collaboration with advocacy organizations for victims of sexual assault, trafficking, and stalking, develop online resources and training materials to be made available at no cost to state agencies. Employers with at least three employees would be required to post information on domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, and stalking, including available resources for victims in Connecticut. This bill is related to sHB 5419 (File 455), which extends the attorney general's authority to petition the court for relief in cases of housing and public accommodation anti-discrimination law violations. The Judiciary Committee has reported favorably on this bill with a vote of 27 Yea to 8 Nay on March 28, 2024. The bill is scheduled to take effect on October 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill:
JUD Joint Favorable Substitute:
File No. 538: