Raised Bill No. 5378, introduced in the February Session, 2024, aims to amend existing health insurance coverage laws related to the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. The bill proposes to update sections 38a-509(a) and 38a-536(a) of the 2024 supplement to the general statutes, with an effective date of January 1, 2025. The current legal language from 2018 is to be replaced with new provisions that expand the definition of infertility and ensure coverage for medically necessary expenses for a range of infertility treatments. These treatments include, but are not limited to, ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination, in-vitro fertilization, and various embryo and gamete transfer procedures.

The bill redefines "infertility" to include three specific conditions: (1) the inability to conceive or sustain a successful pregnancy over a one-year period, (2) the inability to conceive due to the absence of necessary gametes, either as an individual or with a partner, and (3) cases where such treatment is medically necessary. The purpose of the bill is to provide equal access to health insurance coverage for individuals seeking diagnosis and treatment for infertility. The proposed changes are marked by insertions, indicating the new legal language to be added, and deletions, indicating the language to be removed from the current law.