House Bill 5004 (sHB5004 File No. 661), titled "AN ACT CONCERNING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CERTAIN CLIMATE CHANGE MEASURES," is a comprehensive legislative proposal aimed at addressing climate change in Connecticut. The bill declares a climate crisis, setting new greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals for state agencies, including a 45% reduction from 2001 levels by 2030, a 70% reduction from 2016 levels by 2040, and net-zero emissions by 2050. It also requires state agencies to use only zero-carbon generating electricity by 2030. The bill introduces carbon sequestration as a strategy for emissions reduction and mandates the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to report on emissions reductions and propose strategies to achieve these goals. The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) is tasked with creating a centralized data dashboard for clean and renewable energy programs and initiating proceedings on the future of natural gas use in the state. The bill establishes the Connecticut Clean Economy Council to advise on economic development strategies for climate mitigation and sustainability, with a focus on workforce development in clean energy sectors.

The bill also includes provisions for transitioning workers from fossil-fuel-based jobs to clean energy jobs, requiring a plan to be submitted by February 1, 2026. It expands the membership of the Connecticut Clean Economy Council and allows the formation of working groups to address workforce development in specific sectors. A task force is established to study underutilized sites for entrepreneurs in the climate and clean energy sector, with a report due by January 1, 2025. The bill mandates PURA to report on energy storage deployment and adds air and ground source heat pump projects to the list of school construction projects eligible for grants. DEEP is required to submit a report on changing product energy efficiency standards and to develop a plan for installing heat pumps, potentially including a rebate program. Municipal conservation and development plans must include evaluations of environmental sustainability and climate resiliency starting October 1, 2026. The bill also requires the development of a solar canopy strategic plan and establishes a task force to study the electric transmission system, with recommendations due by January 1, 2025. The bill does not indicate any deletions from existing statutes.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill:
ENV Joint Favorable Substitute:
File No. 321:
File No. 661: