Substitute House Bill No. 5001, known as Public Act No. 24-39, is designed to support Connecticut seniors by enhancing nursing and home-based care services. The bill, effective October 1, 2024, includes the creation of a home care provider registry to facilitate access to qualified providers for Medicaid recipients and improve state oversight. It requires home health care agencies to submit provider information to the registry, with certain exemptions for providers' privacy. The bill also mandates the posting of Medicare online reporting tools for nursing home comparisons and expands fingerprinting locations for criminal history checks related to employment or licensing in the care sector.

The bill amends existing statutes to improve the Connecticut home-care program for the elderly, including changes to the identification requirements for home health care workers, such as wearing badges, and the administration of the program. It introduces a presumptive Medicaid eligibility system to fund services for up to ninety days for applicants who are likely eligible for Medicaid and require skilled nursing care. The bill also revises income and asset eligibility criteria for a state-funded care program, requiring contributions from individuals based on income levels, and mandates data collection and reporting on the program's effectiveness. Additionally, it includes provisions for the establishment of community-based parent education and support centers, expands the duties of municipal agents for elderly persons, and outlines the design of a Centers of Excellence Program for nursing homes to promote best practices in care. The bill was approved on May 21, 2024, and will take effect on July 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 7-127b
AGE Joint Favorable Substitute: 7-127b
File No. 121: 7-127b
APP Joint Favorable Substitute: 7-127b
File No. 607: 7-127b
File No. 628: 7-127b
Public Act No. 24-39: 7-127b