House Bill No. 5350, Public Act No. 24-123, is an act concerning the enforcement of boating laws on bodies of water near the borders of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York. The bill involves an amendment to Section 26-26 of the general statutes, which is repealed and replaced with new provisions that become effective upon passage. The amendment extends the authority for arrest and punishment for violations not only of fish and game laws but also includes boating laws. This change is reflected by the insertion of the word "boating or" in several places within the text.

The new language specifies that if Rhode Island, Massachusetts, or New York enacts a similar law, authorized personnel such as game protectors, conservation officers, fish and game wardens, special conservation officers, and patrolmen will have the authority to make arrests for violations of boating or fish and game laws on the waters lying between these states and Connecticut. The personnel can arrest individuals and take them for trial to the state where the violation occurred. The bill aims to facilitate cross-border enforcement and ensure that violators can be prosecuted according to the laws of the state where the offense was committed.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 26-26
ENV Joint Favorable: 26-26
File No. 277: 26-26
PS Joint Favorable: 26-26
Public Act No. 24-123: 26-26