Substitute House Bill No. 5005, known as Public Act No. 24-8, is a legislative measure designed to expand paid sick leave for employees in the state, with changes taking effect on January 1, 2025. The bill redefines key terms such as "child," "employee," "employer," and "family member," and introduces new categories like "grandchild," "parent," and "paid sick leave." It also adjusts the definition of "employer" to include businesses with a decreasing number of employees over a three-year period, starting with those employing 25 or more individuals in 2025, and eventually including all employers with one or more employees by 2027. Additionally, the bill updates the term "mental health wellness day" to refer to an employee rather than a "service worker," and removes previous exclusions for certain types of employers.

The bill outlines the accrual of paid sick leave, which varies based on employer size, with larger employers starting earlier, and allows for one hour of paid sick leave to be accrued for every thirty hours worked, up to forty hours per year. Employees can carry over up to forty unused hours to the following year, but cannot use more than the maximum accrued hours in any year. The bill also includes provisions for immediate use of paid sick leave, the retention of accrued sick leave during transfers or changes in ownership, and the conditions under which paid sick leave can be used. It prohibits employer retaliation against employees who use or request paid sick leave and establishes employer responsibilities for providing notice and maintaining records. Additionally, the bill creates a task force to study paid sick leave tax credits for small employers and outlines the responsibilities of the Labor Commissioner and the Office of Policy and Management regarding wage enforcement duties. There are no specific insertions or deletions of legal language indicated in the provided text. The bill was approved on May 21, 2024.

Statutes affected:
LAB Joint Favorable Substitute: 31-57s, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w
File No. 357: 31-57s, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w
File No. 617: 31-57s, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w
Public Act No. 24-8: 31-57s, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w