Senate Substitute Bill No. 287 (sSB287 File No. 213) is a legislative proposal aimed at improving indoor air quality in schools. The bill establishes a working group to study and recommend measures concerning various aspects of indoor air quality, such as humidity and temperature ranges, emergency conditions for school closures, and HVAC system performance benchmarks. The working group's responsibilities have been expanded to include criteria for prioritizing HVAC repair needs and amendments to the distribution of HVAC system grant funds. The bill also corrects and deletes certain references in the general statutes. The working group is required to submit progress reports annually until 2029 and a final report by January 1, 2030, with the initial reporting date changed from 2024 to 2025.

The bill mandates that local or regional boards of education inspect and evaluate their HVAC systems in school buildings, with at least 20% of schools inspected each year from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2030, and every five years thereafter. Inspections must be conducted by certified professionals and include a variety of evaluations, with results made publicly available. The bill allows for waivers under certain conditions and exempts buildings not used as schools within three years from the inspection requirement. It also amends the conditions for awarding grants related to HVAC systems, requiring applicants to certify compliance with inspection and evaluation requirements. The bill, effective from passage for Section 1 and on July 1, 2024, for Sections 2 and 3, also includes fiscal implications, indicating a shift in costs and potential revenue gains for districts from the General Obligation bond funds allocated for the program.