Senate Bill No. 346, also known as File No. 165, is designed to support occupational license portability for members of the armed forces and their spouses. The bill mandates state agencies to accept occupational and professional licenses from other states for military personnel and their spouses who are relocating due to military orders, as long as the out-of-state license is similar in scope and discipline to the Connecticut license. The bill aligns with the federal provisions of 50 USC 4025a and requires state agencies to record each recognized license and publish a compliant application form by July 1, 2024. It includes changes to existing statutes, such as amending Section 21a-11b to exempt military members and their spouses from certain requirements and revising the conditions for issuing a license, including the repeal and substitution of language in Section 19a-14d.

The bill emphasizes the alignment with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) as amended by Congress in 2023, which allows for the portability of professional licenses for servicemembers and their spouses. It details the process for applying for a Connecticut license based on an out-of-state license when relocating due to military orders, including the requirement to be in good standing with licensing authorities and adherence to local standards of practice and continuing education. The bill does not identify the entity responsible for determining the similarity of scope or discipline between licenses. The effective date of the bill is upon passage, and it is noted to have no fiscal impact on the state or municipalities.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill:
VA Joint Favorable:
File No. 165: