Substitute Senate Bill No. 308, known as Public Act No. 24-58, is a legislative measure aimed at improving wheelchair repair services in Connecticut. The bill defines key terms and requires authorized wheelchair dealers to provide timely repairs, which are defined as being completed within ten business days, not including delays due to insurer authorization or parts delivery. Dealers must also offer at-home repairs for complex rehabilitation technology wheelchairs and maintain accessible communication for repair requests. The Office of the Healthcare Advocate, in collaboration with the Department of Consumer Protection, is responsible for recording complaints about repair issues and reporting annually to the General Assembly. Additionally, the bill amends Section 17b-278i of the general statutes to ensure that customized wheelchairs are covered under Medicaid when medically necessary, relaxes the requirements for new prescriptions or prior authorizations for repairs, and establishes an advisory council to oversee wheelchair repairs and suggest improvements.

The advisory council created by the bill will include various stakeholders, such as consumers, disability advocates, and state department representatives, and must convene at least monthly starting by September 1, 2024. The council is charged with submitting annual reports to the General Assembly with findings and recommendations. Furthermore, the bill mandates that, starting January 1, 2025, individual and group health insurance policies cannot require a new prescription or prior authorization for the repair or replacement of complex rehabilitation technology wheelchairs if the original prescription is less than five years old. The Insurance Commissioner is instructed to adopt regulations to enforce these provisions. The bill, which was approved on May 28, 2024, does not specify any insertions or deletions to existing law, suggesting that these are new additions to the statutes.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill:
HS Joint Favorable Substitute:
File No. 311:
Public Act No. 24-58: