The resolution presented in Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 201, File No. 497, addresses the case of Guy D'Aniello and his claim against the state. The resolution, reported by the Judiciary Committee and chaired by Representative Stafstrom of the 129th District, proposes to vacate the decision of the Claims Commissioner, which had previously ordered the denial of D'Aniello's claim. The resolution calls for the claim to be remanded back to the Claims Commissioner for a hearing on the merits. This action was favorably received by the Judiciary Committee with a unanimous vote of 35 to 0 on April 1, 2024.

The fiscal impact statement and bill analysis accompanying the resolution indicate that the potential cost to the state will depend on the outcome of the claim's adjudication. The Comptroller's Adjudicated Claims Account within the General Fund may incur costs if the claim is awarded, but there is no specified fiscal impact for fiscal years 2025 or 2026, as the claim's award would be a one-time event. The Office of Legislative Research does not provide an analysis for resolutions, but the committee's action suggests a consensus for the resolution to proceed.