Senate Joint Resolution No. 173 is a legislative resolution that vacates the decision of the Claims Commissioner to deny the claim against the State of Mark Stuart and remands the matter back to the Claims Commissioner for further proceedings. The General Assembly has determined that Mark Stuart was wrongfully incarcerated for a period of thirty days and, as a result, is entitled to a compensation award under section 54-102uu of the general statutes. The resolution requires the Claims Commissioner to hold a hearing to determine the specific amount of compensation that Stuart should receive in accordance with the provisions of the mentioned statute.

The fiscal impact of the resolution is not yet determined, as the amount of compensation is still to be decided by the Claims Commissioner. However, the statute allows for compensation up to 250% of the Connecticut median household income, adjusted for inflation and proportional to the period of wrongful incarceration, which could be up to $18,500 for thirty days of wrongful incarceration. Additionally, the claimant may be entitled to services to facilitate reintegration into the community, the cost of which is indeterminate. The resolution's fiscal impact is one-time in nature, and there would be no out-year fiscal impact. The Judiciary Committee reported the resolution favorably, and it passed with a unanimous vote.