Senate Substitute Bill No. 281, identified as File No. 212, is a legislative proposal concerning proposed fare and service changes to public transportation in the state. The bill amends Section 13b-38h of the general statutes, effective July 1, 2024, to modify the notice requirements that the Department of Transportation (DOT) must follow before implementing changes in fares for mass transportation by land. The bill stipulates that the DOT must advertise the proposed fare change and provide information on a public hearing at least fifteen days prior to the hearing. This notice must be provided in newspapers with general circulation in affected areas and sent to the chairpersons and ranking members of the General Assembly's transportation and finance committees, as well as to the Connecticut Public Transportation Council.

Additionally, the bill introduces a new requirement for the DOT to provide notice at least fifteen days before a public hearing regarding a proposed major service change to commuter rail service, in accordance with Federal Transit Administration Title VI Circular 4702.1B. This notice must also be sent to the same legislative committee leaders and the Connecticut Public Transportation Council. The bill does not have a fiscal impact as it can be accomplished with existing resources. The effective date of the bill is July 1, 2024, and it amends Section 13b-38h of the general statutes.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill:
TRA Joint Favorable Substitute:
File No. 212: