The resolution presented is Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 181, which was reported favorably by the Committee on Judiciary and is recommended for adoption. The resolution seeks to overturn the decision made by the Claims Commissioner, which dismissed the claim against the state of Christopher Platt. The resolution directs that the Claims Commissioner's decision, identified by file number 25596, be vacated and that the matter be sent back to the Claims Commissioner for a hearing on the merits of the case.

The fiscal impact statement accompanying the resolution indicates that there may be a potential cost to the state's General Fund if Christopher Platt's claim is adjudicated and awarded, but there is no specific fiscal impact for fiscal years 2025 and 2026 since the outcome of the claim is uncertain. The resolution does not have any municipal impact. The Office of Legislative Research does not provide an analysis of resolutions, but the Judiciary Committee has given a joint favorable substitute recommendation with a unanimous vote of 35 in favor and none against on April 1, 2024.