Substitute House Bill No. 5290 introduces a range of amendments to public health statutes, affecting areas such as birth certificate filing, access to vital records, and the operation of food establishments. The bill modifies the process for filing a birth certificate for births outside of institutions, now designating the "parent of the child" as the responsible party, with a court petition option if the parent is unable to provide necessary information. It also allows for genetic testing to establish parentage for indigent petitioners, with a 99% or greater probability creating a rebuttable presumption of parentage. Access to certified copies of birth and fetal death records is restricted to specific eligible parties, and the bill revises notification requirements for applications concerning land within aquifer protection areas or watersheds. Additionally, it establishes a school-based health center advisory committee to advise on related matters. The bill also includes changes to the composition of the committee related to school-based health centers, specifying new representatives to be appointed by the Governor, and addresses the operation of food establishments by requiring a valid permit and compliance with the food code. It revises the inspection process and the issuance of variances by the Commissioner of Public Health, repeals certain sections related to permit issuance, and mandates employment of a certified food protection manager in certain food establishments. Provisions for reciprocal licensing of itinerant food vending establishments and an online license renewal system for healthcare professionals are included. The bill revises the state-wide program for medical orders for life-sustaining treatment, making participation voluntary and removing the witness signature requirement. Insertions and deletions in the bill are indicated by and tags, reflecting updates to legal language and practices.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 8-3i, 20-123b, 7-36, 20-207, 20-360, 20-362, 20-365, 20-435
PH Joint Favorable Substitute: 8-3i, 20-123b, 7-36, 20-207, 20-360, 20-362, 20-365, 20-435
File No. 404: 8-3i, 20-123b, 7-36, 20-207, 20-360, 20-362, 20-365, 20-435
JUD Joint Favorable: 8-3i, 20-123b, 7-36, 20-207, 20-360, 20-362, 20-365, 20-435
Public Act No. 24-68: 8-3i, 20-123b, 7-36, 20-207, 20-360, 20-362, 20-365, 20-435, 20-252, 20-12i