House Bill No. 5283, as amended by House Amendment Schedule "A," is an act concerning the classification of parole officers as peace officers. The bill proposes to expand the definition of "peace officer" within the Connecticut General Statutes to include parole officers when they are performing their duties. This change is signified by the insertion of new legal language into the existing law, specifically stating "a parole officer, as defined in section 31-294k, in the performance of the duties of a parole officer," to the list of individuals who are considered peace officers. The bill is set to become effective on October 1, 2024.
The designation of parole officers as peace officers grants them additional powers and protections while performing their duties. These include the ability to make arrests without a warrant, use a hand-held cellphone while driving in the course of their official duties, be considered peace officers under the state's Blue Alert system, and obtain a motor vehicle’s event data recorder under a search warrant. The bill has no fiscal impact on the state or municipalities. The amendment "A" specifically limits the designation of parole officers as peace officers to when they are performing their duties. The Public Safety and Security Committee gave a joint favorable vote of 23 to 0 on March 12, 2024.