House Bill No. 5268, introduced in the February Session of 2024, has been reported favorably by the Committee on Labor and Public Employees. The bill mandates the Labor Commissioner to conduct a study of the Labor Department. The results of this study, along with any recommendations for legislation concerning the Labor Department, must be reported to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly with jurisdiction over labor matters by January 1, 2025. This requirement is to be enacted immediately upon passage of the bill.

The bill, identified as File No. 61, does not have any fiscal impact on the state or municipalities, as the Labor Department is expected to conduct the study within its existing resources. The bill does not necessitate additional funding or resources in the future years either. The Office of Legislative Research has not provided an analysis for this bill, as it does not analyze Special Acts. The committee vote on the bill was 8 in favor and 4 against.