Senate Bill No. 200, Public Act No. 24-95, focuses on several key areas related to cannabis and hemp products. It establishes a task force to study and facilitate the entry of social equity applicants into the cannabis market through business agreements with hemp cultivators. The task force, comprising various appointed members including individuals from disproportionately impacted areas and licensed producers, is tasked with exploring land use, facility use, and partnership agreements. The task force must submit a report by January 1, 2025, and will dissolve upon submission of the report or on that date, whichever is later. Additionally, the bill amends Section 29 of public act 24-76, clarifying the sale of infused beverages and legacy infused beverages. It introduces new definitions, specifies that only certain facilities and stores may sell these beverages from May 15, 2024, and requires businesses to inventory and report their stock by specified dates, with a fee of one dollar per container.

The bill also updates the legal framework for moderate-THC hemp products, redefining the term to specify THC content and excluding certain infused beverages. It restricts the sale of these products at retail to registered cannabis establishments or those holding a certificate of registration from January 1, 2025. The bill outlines the application and renewal process for vendors, including fee structures and revenue disclosure requirements, and mandates that fees be deposited into the consumer protection enforcement account. It prohibits the sale of moderate-THC hemp products to individuals under twenty-one and limits packaging quantities. Furthermore, the bill sets manufacturing, testing, labeling, and enforcement standards for moderate-THC hemp products, prohibits free distribution as part of a commercial transaction, and allows for penalties for violations. The bill was approved on May 11, 2024.