Senate General Assembly File No. 202, Substitute Senate Bill No. 185, proposes to reinstate a program administered by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to provide partial reimbursement for the sales tax on the purchase of school buses equipped with three-point lap and shoulder seat belts. The bill updates the language from "3-point lap/shoulder" to "three-point lap and shoulder" belts and sets new effective dates for the application and purchase of such buses to July 1, 2025. It requires school districts to inform parents or guardians about the seat belts and to instruct students on their use. The bill also protects school districts, carriers, and bus operators from liability for damages related to the use or misuse of seat belts by students. The DMV and Department of Education are tasked with informing school districts about the program annually, and a joint public hearing is scheduled for the 2030 legislative session to assess the program's participation and effectiveness. The act will take effect on October 1, 2024, amending section 14-275d of the general statutes, with no state impact and potential minimal savings for local and regional school districts starting in FY 26.
The bill makes the school bus seat belt pilot program permanent, requiring school districts to enter into agreements with bus companies for buses with three-point lap and shoulder seat belts and to apply for funding to cover half the sales tax for these purchases. School districts must also educate students and parents about the seat belts. The program is funded by the school bus seat belt account, which has been in place since 2010. The bill includes technical changes and is set to take effect on October 1, 2024. The Transportation Committee has endorsed the bill with a Joint Favorable Substitute report, with a vote of 31 in favor and 5 against on March 18, 2024.
Statutes affected: Raised Bill: 14-275d
TRA Joint Favorable Substitute: 14-275d
File No. 202: 14-275d