The bill sHB5202 File No. 322, known as "AN ACT IMPLEMENTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CONNECTICUT AIRPORT AUTHORITY," proposes updates to the general statutes related to aeronautics in Connecticut, effective July 1, 2024. It introduces new definitions, such as "unmanned aircraft" and "vertiport," and updates terms like "aeronautics," "aircraft," and "airman" to include and clarify unmanned aircraft operations. The bill mandates the annual registration of aircraft with municipalities by October first and outlines the executive director of the Connecticut Airport Authority's responsibilities, including the distribution of registration forms and the approval and licensing of air navigation facilities. It also revises the process for applying for certificates of approval or licenses for airports, heliports, and vertiports, and includes provisions for revocation, annual reporting, federal cooperation, record-keeping, and fines for non-compliance.

Furthermore, the bill addresses the safe operation of aircraft and unmanned aircraft, including the prohibition of operating under the influence and the establishment of misdemeanor classifications for violations. It grants the Connecticut Airport Authority the power to adopt procedures for unmanned aircraft operation, considering public health and safety, and sets restrictions on operating drones near private premises or critical infrastructure facilities without consent. The bill also modifies alcohol sales hours at Bradley International Airport and makes it a class A misdemeanor to intentionally project lasers at aircraft. It includes various effective dates for different sections, starting from July 1, 2024, and anticipates minimal fiscal impacts, including potential costs for the Judicial Department and potential revenue gains for the General Fund and the Department of Revenue Services. The bill also defines infractions and their associated fines, with provisions on operating unmanned aircraft under the influence and related restrictions becoming effective on October 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 15-34, 15-41, 15-71b, 15-45, 15-66, 15-69, 15-71a, 15-72, 15-73, 15-74a, 15-77
TRA Joint Favorable Substitute: 15-34, 15-41, 15-71b, 15-45, 15-66, 15-69, 15-71a, 15-72, 15-73, 15-74a, 15-77
File No. 322: 15-34, 15-41, 15-71b, 15-45, 15-66, 15-69, 15-71a, 15-72, 15-73, 15-74a, 15-77