House Bill No. 5175, reported by the Committee on Public Safety and Security, proposes an amendment to Section 53a-109 of the general statutes, which pertains to criminal trespass in the third degree. The bill introduces a new method for property owners to warn potential trespassers by allowing the borders of the property to be painted purple. This addition is specified in the bill as a recognized manner of posting property, alongside other existing methods such as signs or fencing designed to exclude intruders. The bill retains the existing penalties for criminal trespass, with a class C misdemeanor generally applicable, and a class B misdemeanor with a fine of $500 to $1000 for trespassing with the intent of hunting, trapping, or fishing.

The bill is set to become effective on October 1, 2024, and does not have any fiscal impact on the state or municipal budgets, as it is not expected to change the number of individuals charged with trespassing. The bill's analysis clarifies that the inclusion of painting property borders purple as a warning to trespassers is an explicit addition to the ways property can be posted to prevent unauthorized entry. The bill passed the Public Safety and Security Committee with a unanimous vote of 24 to 0 on March 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill:
PS Joint Favorable:
File No. 25: