House Bill No. 5155, Public Act No. 24-88, is an act concerning technical revisions to housing statutes. The bill includes changes to the composition of the roundtable group in Section 1, where the term "cochairs" is replaced with "cochairpersons" to describe the leadership of the joint standing committees of the General Assembly with cognizance over housing and planning and development. Additionally, the bill modifies the language related to the Department of Veterans Affairs' responsibilities in Section 2, changing "housing insecure" to "housing-insecure" veterans, emphasizing the department's role in converting, rehabilitating, and renovating properties to house homeless or housing-insecure veterans.

Further technical amendments are made in Sections 3 and 4, where references to the Judicial Department's Internet web site are clarified with possessive form ("Department's") and the word "Internet" is inserted for clarity. Section 3 also addresses the restoration and retention of case records on the Judicial Department's website, the exclusion of certain records from commercial sale or transfer, and prohibits the commercial disclosure of records concerning summary process actions that have been removed from the website. Section 4 amends the language regarding liens imposed by enforcing agencies for unpaid penalties, specifying that a notice of violation must be recorded and indexed in the name of the property owner not later than thirty days after the penalty was imposed. The bill was approved on May 30, 2024.