Raised Bill No. 5166 seeks to amend existing laws on paid sick leave, expanding the scope of coverage and the reasons for which leave can be taken. The bill redefines "child," "employer," "family member," "grandchild," "parent," "mental health wellness day," "paid sick leave," and "retaliatory personnel action," and removes the detailed list of occupations previously classified as "service workers." It also introduces new terms such as "sibling" and "spouse" with updated definitions. The bill mandates that employers provide 40 hours of paid sick leave annually, with immediate availability rather than an accrual system, and outlines provisions for payment rate, transfer of sick leave within a company, and the option for employees to work additional hours instead of using sick leave.

Furthermore, the bill includes protections for employees, such as retention of sick leave when a new employer takes over, prohibition of requiring employees to find replacements during sick leave, and prevention of employer actions to avoid qualifying as an employer under the law. It expands the permissible reasons for taking sick leave, modifies notice requirements, and clarifies that unused sick leave does not need to be paid out upon termination unless specified by policy or agreement. The bill also allows disciplinary action for misuse of sick leave, reinforces protections against retaliatory actions by employers, and requires employers to provide notice and keep records of sick leave used. The bill is set to take effect on January 1, 2025, and will amend sections 31-57r to 31-57w of the current law, with insertions of new text and deletions not explicitly shown in the provided text.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 31-57s, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w