Senate Substitute Bill No. 137 (sSB137 File No. 303) is a legislative proposal that sets new training and wage standards for contractors and subcontractors on public utility projects. The bill defines "public utility project" and requires contractors to provide apprenticeship or preapprenticeship training programs registered with the Labor Department. Contractors must also certify compliance with these training requirements. Starting October 1, 2024, contracts for public utility projects must include provisions ensuring that worker wages and welfare fund contributions are at least equal to prevailing rates in the same locality. Violations of wage standards may result in a $5,000 fine per offense, and contractors with excessive violations may be referred for debarment. The bill also outlines the process for handling wage discrepancies and the Labor Commissioner's role in determining prevailing wage rates.

Furthermore, the bill amends current law to allow public utilities to recover costs for prevailing wages in base rates or through an approved rate recovery mechanism. It sets cost thresholds for when the prevailing wage provisions do not apply and requires employers to keep detailed wage and hour records, submitting certified payrolls monthly. Failure to file certified payroll is considered a class D felony, with penalties including fines and imprisonment. The bill includes provisions for electronic record-keeping and public access to these records. The act will take effect on October 1, 2024, and includes a fiscal note indicating costs to the Labor Department and potential revenue gains. The Labor and Public Employees Committee has given a Joint Favorable Substitute report on the bill with a vote of 8 in favor and 4 against on March 19, 2024.