Substitute Senate Bill No. 149 amends the general statutes regarding the enforcement of unpaid sewer assessments and related fees and charges, with an effective date of October 1, 2024. The bill revises the interest rate on delinquent sewer assessments to match that of delinquent property taxes, with a minimum interest charge of five dollars. It establishes that unpaid assessments and interest create a lien on the property from the date of levy, taking precedence over other liens except for taxes. The bill sets a threshold for enforcing liens against owner-occupied real estate, requiring the principal to exceed four thousand dollars or that five years have passed since the lien was filed without payment before enforcement can occur. Municipalities are permitted to assign liens for unpaid sewer assessments, subject to the same threshold for owner-occupied real estate.

Furthermore, the bill stipulates that charges for connection to or use of a sewerage system, if unpaid after thirty days, become delinquent and accrue interest like property taxes. These unpaid charges also constitute a lien on the property and can be foreclosed in the same manner as property tax liens, with the same enforcement threshold for owner-occupied real estate. Municipalities may assign these liens for consideration, again adhering to the same threshold for owner-occupied real estate. The bill repeals and replaces sections of the general statutes to incorporate these changes. The fiscal impact statement notes that while the bill may reduce the amount of debt WPCAs can collect through liens, it is expected that increased sewer use fees and assessments will offset potential revenue losses. The statute of limitations for sewer liens remains at 15 years, and civil actions to recover unpaid amounts from owner-occupied premises are similarly restricted by the bill's thresholds.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill:
PD Joint Favorable Substitute:
File No. 39: