The bill, Substitute House Bill No. 5127, introduced in the General Assembly with File No. 123, mandates the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division within the Office of Policy and Management, in consultation with the Department of Correction, to conduct a needs assessment for the delivery of postsecondary education programs in correctional facilities. This assessment is to be comprehensive, including feedback from higher education institutions, analysis of current Department of Correction policies, determination of unmet demand for such education among incarcerated individuals, inventory of available facilities and materials, recommendations for improvements, cost analysis, and identification of specific barriers to effective delivery of these programs. The assessment is also to include surveys of current and former students of these programs, in consultation with regional reentry programs, and any other groups or persons deemed necessary by the division.
The bill requires that by January 1, 2025, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management must report the findings of the needs assessment to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly that oversees matters related to higher education and employment advancement. The bill is set to be effective from July 1, 2024, and introduces a new section to the statutes. The fiscal impact statement indicates that the bill will result in a one-time cost of $143,800 to the Office of Policy and Management in the fiscal year 2025 for hiring a Durational Project Manager to complete the assessment and report. There are no anticipated municipal impacts or costs beyond fiscal year 2025.