Governor's Bill No. 5050 is a comprehensive legislative proposal aimed at implementing the Governor's budget recommendations for education, with an effective date of July 1, 2024. The bill includes several amendments to current statutes, particularly focusing on the funding and operation of interdistrict magnet schools and agricultural science and technology education centers. Key changes include the repeal and replacement of certain subsections to update grant amounts for out-of-district students, additional grants for students in the Hartford region, and provisions for a pilot program in Danbury and Norwalk. It also amends the statutes to allow boards of education operating agricultural science and technology education centers to charge tuition, with specific provisions for shared-time and special education students, and removes a previous tuition cap for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, and thereafter.

The bill further outlines the grant program to assist educational entities in meeting the state's obligations under the Sheff v. O'Neill decision, setting enrollment restrictions and compliance standards for interdistrict magnet schools. It specifies per pupil grant amounts for various fiscal years, with increases for subsequent years, and includes provisions for supplemental grants. The bill also addresses the financial responsibilities of local or regional school districts for transportation and tuition payments, and it amends the payment schedule for grants. Additionally, the bill includes a "Repealer section" and clarifies the presentation of legislative amendments, indicating that proposed deletions are enclosed in brackets and additions are underlined, except for entirely new sections of text.

Statutes affected:
Governor's Bill: 10-73c, 10-215