Senate Bill 12 (sSB12 File No. 340) is a legislative proposal aimed at expanding and amending the existing paid sick leave laws in the state. The bill redefines the term "child" to include a broader range of dependent relationships and removes the definition of "day or temporary worker." It introduces new definitions such as "family member," "grandchild," "parent," and "paid sick leave," and revises the definitions of "mental health wellness day" and "retaliatory personnel action." The scope of occupations classified under "service worker" is expanded to include various managerial and social work roles. The bill also updates the accrual rate of paid sick leave to one hour for every thirty hours worked, allows for the carryover of up to forty hours of unused sick leave, and specifies conditions for maintaining accrued sick leave during company transfers or successions.

Furthermore, the bill prohibits employers from requiring employees to find replacements when taking sick leave and from taking actions to avoid qualifying as an employer under the amended law. It outlines permissible uses of paid sick leave, including for personal or family member illnesses, public health emergencies, and instances of family violence or sexual assault, while setting conditions for advance notice and documentation. Employers are mandated to cover the costs of obtaining documentation if they do not provide health insurance. The bill also includes provisions against employer retaliation, details the process for filing complaints, and requires employers to provide notice to employees about their sick leave entitlements. Employers must display this information in English and Spanish and provide it in writing by January 1, 2025, or at the time of hire. The Labor Commissioner is responsible for creating a model poster and written notice. The bill's fiscal impact includes costs to the Department of Labor and potential revenue gains from penalties.

Statutes affected:
Governor's Bill: 31-57s, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w
LAB Joint Favorable Substitute: 31-57s, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w
File No. 340: 31-57s, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w