House Bill No. 5058, also known as Public Act No. 24-83, is legislation that integrates the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) into Connecticut law, effective from October 1, 2025, to January 1, 2028. The NLC enables nurses to hold one multistate license, granting them the ability to practice in all compact states, thereby promoting uniformity in licensure requirements and enhancing public safety and health. The bill specifies the terms and conditions under which a multistate license is recognized and maintained, including educational qualifications, examination results, and a clean criminal record. It also details the procedures for adverse actions against a nurse's multistate licensure privilege, the responsibilities of nurses to comply with the state practice laws where the client is located, and the process for applying for and retaining a multistate license.

Furthermore, House Bill No. 5058 establishes the Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators, which is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the compact. The commission has the authority to promulgate rules, manage its affairs, and ensure the exchange of licensure and disciplinary information among party states. The bill includes provisions for the protection of personal information, the commission's structure and powers, financial responsibilities, and legal protections for commission members. Additionally, it outlines the commission's oversight, dispute resolution, enforcement mechanisms, and the conditions for withdrawal or amendment of the compact. The bill also mandates additional financial transfers to the professional assistance program account and establishes a working group to evaluate the state's participation in the compact, with a report due by January 1, 2027.

Statutes affected:
File No. 601:
Public Act No. 24-83: