House Bill 5053 (sHB5053 File No. 597) addresses several aspects of health and human services in the state, with a focus on emergency medical services coordination and Medicaid waiver programs for individuals with developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. The bill includes provisions for the transition of certain emergency medical services coordinator positions into classified service, which would align them with executive branch bargaining units. It also modifies the mandate for the Chief Workforce Officer to establish a Human Services Career Pipeline Program, making it optional and contingent upon available appropriations, and sets a deadline of January 1, 2025, for a report detailing plans for the program. The bill consolidates and aligns reporting requirements related to services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and autism, and it is effective upon passage.

The bill also proposes changes to streamline reporting processes for the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and the Department of Social Services (DSS) regarding Medicaid waivers. DDS is required to submit an annual report by January 1 to the Appropriations, Human Services, and Public Health committees, including detailed information on Medicaid waiver programs, waiting lists, and measurable data on individuals eligible for the waivers. Similarly, DSS must provide an annual report by the same date to the Appropriations and Human Services committees, covering the Medicaid autism waiver program. Both departments are required to post these reports on their respective websites. The bill has been favorably received by the Human Services Committee and the Appropriations Committee.

Statutes affected:
Governor's Bill:
HS Joint Favorable Substitute Change of Reference:
APP Joint Favorable:
File No. 597: