Senate Bill No. 15, also known as File No. 67, is a legislative proposal designed to increase pricing transparency for consumer goods and services in Connecticut, particularly those sold on digital platforms. The bill requires that the total price of an event ticket or any consumer good or service, including all mandatory fees or charges (except government-imposed taxes), be clearly and conspicuously disclosed. It defines key terms to ensure clarity in its application, such as "consumer," "consumer good or service," "digital platform," and various types of ticket platforms. Violations of these requirements are deemed unfair or deceptive trade practices under the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act (CUTPA), and the bill is slated to take effect on October 1, 2024. The fiscal note attached to the bill indicates that the Department of Consumer Protection will need additional staff to handle enforcement, detailing the associated costs for fiscal years 2025 and 2026.

The bill is part of a broader legislative effort, linked with sSB 3 and sSB 201, to ensure businesses do not mislead consumers by hiding additional costs. The General Law Committee has given SB15 a joint favorable report with a unanimous vote, suggesting strong bipartisan support. The bill introduces new legal language requiring the inclusion of all charges and fees in advertised prices, but does not specify any deletions from the current law.