Substitute Bill No. 11 is a comprehensive legislative act aimed at enhancing Connecticut's resiliency planning and providing municipalities with options to address climate resilience, effective July 1, 2024. The bill defines key terms related to resiliency improvement districts and outlines the establishment, powers, and financial mechanisms for these districts, including the ability for municipalities to acquire property, issue bonds, and fix property assessments. It specifies the types of projects that can be undertaken to mitigate the effects of climate-related hazards and allows for the establishment of joint districts by contiguous municipalities. The bill also details the requirements for adopting a district master plan, which must include a description of the hazards, a plan for public improvements, a strategy for minimizing residential displacement, a financial plan, and a maintenance plan for completed improvements. The financial plan should include cost estimates for public improvements, relocation support for displaced residents, the maximum amount of indebtedness, revenue sources, and terms of any related agreements.

The bill introduces new provisions for the issuance and management of municipal bonds, including methods for securing bonds and protecting the rights of bondholders. It also emphasizes the integration of climate change considerations into municipal plans of conservation and development, requiring the inclusion of a climate change vulnerability assessment and goals and policies to mitigate natural disasters and climate change impacts. The bill mandates the promotion of energy-efficient development patterns and the use of renewable energy sources, and it provides incentives for developers who employ sustainable practices. Furthermore, it revises the allocation of funds for towns from the Department of Transportation, with a focus on increasing resilience to climate-related events, and updates the definition of "major disaster" to include extreme heat and drought. Lastly, the bill expands the eligibility for grants under the protected open space and watershed land acquisition grant program and revises the membership of the Natural Heritage, Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Review Board to include representatives from communities of color and low-income communities.

Statutes affected:
Governor's Bill: 8-23, 25-68o, 7-364, 29-251, 29-256a, 8-2e, 28-5, 8-2f
ENV Joint Favorable Substitute: 8-23, 25-68o, 7-364, 29-251, 29-256a, 8-2e, 28-5, 8-2f
File No. 198: 8-23, 25-68o, 7-364, 29-251, 29-256a, 8-2e, 28-5, 8-2f
FIN Joint Favorable: 8-23, 25-68o, 7-364, 29-251, 29-256a, 8-2e, 28-5, 8-2f