Substitute Bill No. 1225 makes several amendments to current law regarding referenda, independent expenditures, State Elections Enforcement Commission complaints, and repayment of surplus Citizens' Election Program grant funds. The bill adds a new definition for "independent expenditure political committee" and amends the definition of "political committee" to include independent expenditure political committees. It allows independent expenditure political committees to coordinate with other independent expenditure political committees and establishes reporting requirements for persons who make or obligate to make independent expenditures. The bill also amends the requirements for independent expenditure reports, including the inclusion of additional information in the reports.

The bill also includes provisions regarding covered transfers received by a person who makes or obligates to make an independent expenditure, allows for the establishment of a dedicated independent expenditure account, and establishes civil penalties for failure to file independent expenditure reports. It amends the requirements for registration statements for political committees and makes changes to current election laws, including allowing candidate committees to promote the election of the other candidate in a joint ticket and expanding the definition of "immediate family." The bill also amends the distribution of surplus funds by political committees formed solely to aid or promote the success or defeat of any referendum question and sets contribution limits for individuals.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 9-622
GAE Joint Favorable Substitute: 9-601, 9-601c, 9-611, 9-613, 9-614, 9-615, 9-620
File No. 630: 9-601, 9-601c, 9-611, 9-613, 9-614, 9-615, 9-620
JUD Joint Favorable: 9-601, 9-601c, 9-611, 9-613, 9-614, 9-615, 9-620