House Bill 6911 makes changes to existing law regarding the prohibition on certain contributions or solicitations of contributions by lobbyists. The bill repeals and replaces subsection (e) of section 9-610 of the general statutes, clarifying that certain exclusions to the term "contribution" do not apply and defining "state office," "state officer," and "municipal office." It prohibits lobbyists and political committees from making or offering to make contributions to candidates or political committees during certain sessions of the General Assembly.

The bill also makes changes to subsection (f) of section 9-610 and subsection (f) of section 9-608 of the general statutes, relating to the registration and filing requirements for political committees and exploratory committees. It requires the treasurer of a political committee to file a registration statement with the State Elections Enforcement Commission and prohibits the committee from accepting lobbyist contributions unless the registration statement is filed. The bill also establishes requirements for the dissolution of exploratory committees. The effective date of the bill is October 1, 2023.

Statutes affected:
File No. 637: 9-610, 9-608