This bill, Substitute Bill No. 6915, concerns cannabis use prevention efforts related to youth. It makes changes to the distribution of tax revenue from cannabis sales and establishes a fund for prevention and recovery services.

Under this bill, the tax received by the state from cannabis sales will be deposited as follows: for fiscal years 2022 and 2023, it will be deposited in the cannabis regulatory and investment account; for fiscal years 2024, 2025, and 2026, sixty percent of the tax will go to the Social Equity and Innovation Fund, thirty percent will go to the Prevention and Recovery Services Fund, and ten percent will go to the General Fund; for fiscal years 2027 and 2028, sixty-five percent will go to the Social Equity and Innovation Fund, thirty percent will go to the Prevention and Recovery Services Fund, and five percent will go to the General Fund; and for fiscal year 2029 and beyond, seventy-five percent will go to the Social Equity and Innovation Fund, and twenty-five percent will go to the Prevention and Recovery Services Fund.

Additionally, this bill establishes the Prevention and Recovery Services Fund as a separate, nonlapsing fund. The fund will be used for substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery services, including youth cannabis use prevention services, a public awareness campaign about the risks of youth cannabis use, and the collection and analysis of data regarding substance use. The bill also establishes a cannabis health review panel to examine the effects of cannabis use and report its findings to the Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Policy Council.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill:
PH Joint Favorable Substitute:
File No. 547:
FIN Joint Favorable: