This bill, sHB6912, aims to protect the personal information and addresses of certain election workers. It repeals and substitutes Section 1-217 of the general statutes to expand the list of individuals whose residential addresses are protected from disclosure. The bill also establishes provisions for redacting residential addresses from requested records and lists. Additionally, the bill makes it a class D felony to harass or intimidate election workers and interfere with the voting process by publicly disclosing or threatening to disclose their personal identifying information.

The bill also prohibits municipalities and the state from disclosing addresses of certain election workers for 90 days, with the option to extend that request for an additional 90 days. It also makes it a class D felony to harass or intimidate election workers performing election administration duties. This includes interfering with the voting process by publicly disclosing a worker's personal identifying information or threatening to do so. The bill includes conforming changes and will take effect on July 1, 2023.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 1-217
GAE Joint Favorable Substitute: 1-217
File No. 545: 1-217