House Bill 6883 (sHB6883 File No. 592) proposes comprehensive changes to the laws governing special education services for students with developmental disabilities, with a focus on transition services and mediation processes. The bill establishes the Office of Transition Services (OTS) and the Office of Mediation Services (OMS) within the State Department of Education (SDE). OTS will coordinate transition resources and set standards for public transition programs, while OMS will expand mediation services as an alternative to special education hearings. The bill also requires each board of education to appoint a transition coordinator and mandates that transition services continue until a student graduates high school or turns 22. Additionally, the bill introduces a competitive grant program for innovative public transition programs and expands in-service training for educators to include culturally responsive pedagogy and laws governing Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meetings and Section 504 plans.
The bill modifies the mediation request process, allowing any party to request mediation through OMS, and outlines the administrative hearing procedures, including the order of testimony and the publication of hearing officers' decisions. It aligns with a federal court ruling by extending special education services to age 22 and requires the SDE to oversee the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through annual audits of special education programs. The bill also ensures that local or regional boards of education provide interpreters and translated documents for PPT meetings and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) when necessary. The Education Committee has given the bill a Joint Favorable report with a unanimous vote.
Statutes affected: Raised Bill: 10-74n, 10-76h
ED Joint Favorable: 10-74n, 10-76h
File No. 592: 10-74n, 10-76h