House Bill 6890 (sHB6890 File No. 594) is an act concerning the establishment and funding of transit-oriented districts (TODs) in municipalities. The bill defines a "qualifying transit-oriented community" as one that has adopted zoning regulations to create a TOD with a minimum net density of homes per acre, includes affordable housing requirements, and avoids excessive lot size or parking requirements. The criteria for qualifying as a transit-oriented community vary based on the type of transit service available in the municipality. Municipalities that do not initially qualify can become eligible for discretionary infrastructure funding by committing to enact the necessary zoning regulations within 18 months, with the risk of having to return any funding received if they fail to meet the deadline without an approved extension.

The bill also establishes the Office of Responsible Growth (ORG) within the Office of Policy and Management (OPM), effective October 1, 2023. The ORG is responsible for preparing the state conservation and development plan, reviewing state agency plans, coordinating environmental policy, and developing guidelines for TODs and bonus zoning criteria. The bill mandates that developments with ten or more dwelling units include a percentage of affordable units, with the percentage varying based on the municipality's market typology. The fiscal impact includes costs for additional positions within the OPM and fringe benefits costs to the Office of the State Comptroller, with potential revenue impacts for municipalities based on compliance with the new regulations. The effective date for the bill is October 1, 2023.