Substitute Bill No. 1178 is a legislative proposal that seeks to expand and clarify the paid sick leave laws in Connecticut. The bill modifies the definitions of key terms such as "Child," "Employee," "Employer," "Family member," "Grandchild," "Parent," and "Paid sick leave," aiming to broaden the scope of employees and employers covered under the law and the circumstances under which paid sick leave can be used. It removes the term "Day or temporary worker" and the detailed list of occupations classified as "Service worker," and it updates the term "Retaliatory personnel action." The bill also changes the accrual rate of paid sick leave from one hour for every forty hours worked to one hour for every thirty hours worked, with a maximum accrual increase from forty to eighty hours per year, and simplifies the conditions under which employees can use accrued paid sick leave. It prohibits employers from requiring employees to find replacements when using paid sick leave and from retaliating against employees for qualifying as an employer under the act.

The bill further stipulates that employers may require advance notice for foreseeable leave, reasonable documentation for leave of three or more consecutive days, and outlines the documentation considered reasonable for various circumstances. It also ensures that employers are not required to provide paid sick leave for purposes other than those described, and that employees are not entitled to payment for unused sick leave upon termination unless specified by policy or collective bargaining agreement. The bill includes provisions for the donation of unused sick leave, protection against retaliatory actions by employers, and the responsibilities of the Labor Commissioner in advising employees and handling complaints. Employers are required to provide notice to employees about their rights regarding paid sick leave and to retain employee work hours and paid sick leave records for three years. The Labor Commissioner is empowered to adopt regulations to implement the provisions of this section and may develop a multilingual outreach program to inform employees and caregivers about the availability of paid sick leave. The effective date for these changes is October 1, 2023.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 31-57r, 31-57s, 31-57t, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w
LAB Joint Favorable Substitute: 31-57r, 31-57s, 31-57t, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w
File No. 449: 31-57r, 31-57s, 31-57t, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w
APP Joint Favorable: 31-57r, 31-57s, 31-57t, 31-57u, 31-57v, 31-57w