The bill under consideration, identified as Substitute Senate Bill No. 1097 with File No. 253, pertains to the responsibilities and qualifications of school nurses. It proposes to repeal the current Section 10-212 of the general statutes and substitute it with new provisions, effective July 1, 2023. The bill mandates that each local or regional board of education appoint one or more school nurses or nurse practitioners who meet the qualifications set by the State Board of Education in consultation with the Department of Public Health. It clarifies that school nurses can also serve as visiting nurses, assist with executing medical orders, and perform other duties as required by the board. Additionally, the bill states that parents or guardians are not prohibited from administering medications to their children on school grounds.
The bill introduces a new requirement for school nurses to complete at least fifteen hours of professional development every two years, as approved by the local or regional board of education. It also instructs the State Board of Education to create a special services endorsement for school nurses by July 1, 2024. The fiscal impact statement indicates that there is no state impact, but there could be a minimal potential cost to local and regional school districts related to the professional development requirement for school nurses. The cost would depend on the nature of the regulations adopted by the State Board of Education and is anticipated to be minimal, primarily associated with coverage needed for school nurses while they participate in professional development. The bill's effective date is July 1, 2023, and it amends Section 10-212.
Statutes affected: Raised Bill: 10-212
ED Joint Favorable Substitute: 10-212
File No. 253: 10-212