House Bill 6659 (sHB6659 File No. 719) is a comprehensive legislative proposal that sets forth the state budget for the biennium ending June 30, 2025. It includes appropriations for various state agencies and delineates funding for a multitude of purposes, such as personal services, other expenses, equipment, and specialized programs. The bill specifies allocations for departments like Legislative Management, the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, the Old State House, and many others, with a focus on supporting critical services and programs. Notably, the bill includes insertions of new legal language indicating financial figures for the fiscal years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025, but does not include any deletions from current law.

The bill also addresses appropriations from the General Fund, the Special Transportation Fund, the Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund, and other specific funds like the Cannabis Social Equity and Innovation Fund. It outlines the transfer of funds between agencies, the non-lapse of unexpended funds, and the distribution of priority school district grants. Additionally, the bill amends previous acts to specify grant amounts for various organizations and purposes, and requires the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection to report on the state parks' funds. The bill includes a series of insertions detailing the appropriations and adjustments to funding, with a focus on enhancing educational opportunities, supporting vulnerable populations, and maintaining essential services. The effective date for these appropriations is set for July 1, 2023.