This bill, introduced by the Governor, aims to expand renters' rights in Connecticut. The bill includes several changes to current law.

First, the bill amends section 47a-21 of the general statutes to limit the amount of security deposit a landlord can demand from tenants. Currently, landlords cannot demand a security deposit that exceeds two months' rent for tenants under the age of 62, and one month's rent for tenants who are 62 years or older. The bill changes this to limit the security deposit to one month's rent for all tenants, regardless of age. The bill also requires landlords who have received a security deposit that exceeds one month's rent from a tenant who becomes 62 years of age after paying the deposit to return the excess amount upon the tenant's request.

Second, the bill amends section 7-148 of the general statutes to give municipalities the authority to make rules relating to the maintenance of safe and sanitary housing and to prescribe civil penalties for violations of these rules, not to exceed $1,000 per violation.

Lastly, the bill amends section 46a-81e of the general statutes to prohibit discrimination in the sale or rental of dwellings based on sexual orientation or civil union status. It also prohibits the making, printing, or publishing of any notice, statement, or advertisement that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on sexual orientation or civil union status. The bill removes an exemption that currently allows the rental of a room or rooms in a unit in a dwelling if the owner actually maintains and occupies part of the unit as their residence.

Statutes affected:
Governor's Bill:
HSG Joint Favorable: 7-148
File No. 183:
JUD Joint Favorable: