Substitute House Bill No. 6669, Public Act No. 23-171, is a comprehensive piece of legislation that addresses various aspects of healthcare, including prescription drug costs, facility fees, and health care provider networks. The bill establishes the Drug Discount Card Program to help Connecticut residents save on prescription medications and requires the Comptroller to study the centralization of drug purchasing for state agencies. It also introduces new regulations for pharmaceutical manufacturers and representatives, such as registration requirements and the submission of annual reports detailing their activities. The bill mandates the Office of Health Strategy to report on pharmacy benefits managers' practices and amends the process for creating a list of costly or critical outpatient prescription drugs.
The bill also focuses on improving transparency and patient awareness regarding facility fees charged by hospitals and health systems for outpatient services. It introduces new definitions for various healthcare-related terms and requires written notices to patients about potential financial liabilities due to facility fees. The bill prohibits the collection of facility fees in certain circumstances and outlines penalties for violations. It revises the process for obtaining a certificate of need (CON) for healthcare facilities and services, including a tiered fee structure for CON applications and the requirement for public notice and hearings. Additionally, the bill addresses the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program, Medicaid system improvements, and prohibits certain clauses in health care contracts that may limit competition or transparency. Lastly, it ensures continuity of care for patients when their healthcare providers or facilities are no longer part of a health carrier's network. The bill was approved on June 27, 2023.
Statutes affected: Governor's Bill:
PH Joint Favorable:
File No. 453:
APP Joint Favorable:
GL Joint Favorable:
Public Act No. 23-171: