Substitute Bill No. 983 aims to limit anticompetitive practices in the healthcare industry by prohibiting certain clauses in health care contracts. These clauses, such as all-or-nothing clauses and gag clauses, restrict certain actions and information disclosure. The bill declares these clauses null and void and gives the Attorney General exclusive authority to enforce violations.

The bill also introduces new legal language into current law, defining terms related to health systems and hospital services. It establishes regulations regarding out-of-network costs for hospital services, setting a limit on these costs and prohibiting health care providers from charging patients more than authorized by their health benefit plan. The Office of Health Strategy is responsible for monitoring compliance and may impose civil penalties for noncompliance. The bill also requires health benefit plans to pass on savings from reduced provider payments to consumers and grants the Office of Health Strategy the authority to adopt regulations and impose penalties for noncompliance. The bill will take effect on January 1, 2024.