Substitute Bill No. 961 is a legislative proposal aimed at promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in Connecticut public schools. The bill requires that from July 1, 2024, all new public school buildings, replacements, or extensions must be net-zero energy, and it defines various terms related to this goal. It also mandates that each public school district conduct a solar power feasibility study for each building they own by July 1, 2024, and if found cost-effective, to implement the solar power system by January 1, 2028. The bill outlines requirements for paying prevailing wages and benefits to construction employees, prioritizes projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and includes provisions for project labor agreements and improvements in environmental justice communities.
Additionally, the bill establishes the Public Schools Solar and Energy Efficiency Fund within the Connecticut Green Bank, funded with $500 million from various sources, to provide loans for energy efficiency or renewable energy projects. The Net-Zero Schools Loan Program, created by the bill, offers low-interest or no-interest loans to public school districts for eligible projects, with a focus on need and support for environmental justice communities. The bill also includes requirements for annual reporting on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, mandates the display of informational posters on the health impacts of vehicle idling, and requires testing and remediation of lead in drinking and cooking water taps in schools. The act will take effect upon passage, with insertions and deletions to the current law as indicated.