Senate Bill No. 894, identified as File No. 32, is a legislative proposal that has been reported favorably by the Committee on Environment. The bill mandates a study of the functions of the Departments of Energy and Environmental Protection and Agriculture. The co-chairpersons of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly with jurisdiction over environmental matters are tasked with conducting this study. They are required to submit a report on the results of the study to the joint standing committee on environmental matters by February 1, 2024. This report must be in accordance with section 11-4a of the general statutes.

The bill specifies that the new section, Section 1, will be effective from the date of passage. The Office of Legislative Research has not provided an analysis for this bill, as it does not analyze Special Acts. The fiscal impact statement accompanying the bill indicates that there is no anticipated state or municipal fiscal impact. This is based on the expectation that the chairs of the Environment Committee already possess the expertise necessary to conduct the study within the fiscal year 2024 without incurring additional costs. The bill has received unanimous support in the Environment Committee with a vote of 32 in favor and none against.