This bill requires the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to make two all-terrain wheelchairs available for free public use at each of five state parks or campgrounds by April 1, 2024. DEEP must select the five locations by October 1, 2023. The bill also authorizes the DEEP commissioner to establish rules for the hours the all-terrain wheelchairs will be available at each location, as well as procedures and requirements for reserving, requesting, and operating them. The commissioner must submit a report to the Environment Committee by January 1, 2025, on the use of the all-terrain wheelchairs at the five designated locations, including the number of people that used them, any problems or concerns, whether two per location was sufficient, and suggestions to expand their availability to more state parks or campgrounds.

The bill has a fiscal impact of $250,000 in FY 24 to purchase ten all-terrain wheelchairs, assuming a cost of $25,000 per chair. The funds for this purpose are provided in the FY 24 budget bill. There are no ongoing fiscal impacts as the one-time cost would occur in FY 24 only.