Substitute House Bill No. 5003, Public Act No. 23-208, revises education statutes, including changes to the admission age for public schools and the development of a report on the alliance district program. The bill modifies the age at which children can be admitted to public schools, now requiring a written request and assessment for children under five years old as of the first day of September. It also mandates the Commissioner of Education to create a report by January 1, 2026, on the alliance district program's effectiveness, financial accounting, and recommendations for reform, with the goal of reducing the number of alliance districts by July 1, 2027. The bill addresses the allocation of funds for alliance districts, family resource center programs, and enhancements to technology early college high school programs, as well as changes to priority school district phase-out grant eligibility and amounts.

The bill also amends the requirements for memorandums of understanding between school districts and local law enforcement agencies regarding school resource officers (SROs). It specifies SRO duties, requires training related to social-emotional learning and restorative practices, and mandates reporting on investigations or behavioral interventions. The bill includes insertions and deletions to update the legal language and align it with the provisions of public act 23-167. Additionally, the bill redefines terms related to financial aid for higher education, renaming the Governor's Scholarship program to the Roberta B. Willis Scholarship program, and revising the allocation of funds and eligibility criteria for need-based grants. It also repeals certain sections of public acts 23-167 and 23-204, effective July 1, 2023.

Statutes affected:
Committee Bill: 10-262h, 10-264l, 10-65, 10-4a
ED Joint Favorable Substitute: 10-262h, 10-264l, 10-65, 10-4a, 10-262u
File No. 575: 10-262h, 10-264l, 10-65, 10-4a, 10-262u
Public Act No. 23-208: