Substitute Senate Bill No. 1, titled "AN ACT CONCERNING TRANSPARENCY IN EDUCATION," introduces a comprehensive set of changes to the education system in Connecticut. The bill mandates annual financial reporting by boards of education to the Commissioner of Education, with penalties for late submissions and a requirement for the Department of Education to publish this data online. It also requires annual training for new board members and amends alliance district provisions. The bill emphasizes the development of talent strategies, including recruitment and retention of staff, and establishes a pilot program for wholesome school meals, a study on virtual reality in classrooms, and an educator apprenticeship initiative. Additionally, it repeals and substitutes language in section 10-220 of the general statutes, emphasizing the need for an appropriate learning environment and equitable resource allocation, and changes the "plan for minority educator recruitment" to "increasing educator diversity plan."

The bill also introduces a new scholarship program, renaming it to "an aspiring educators diversity scholarship program," with updated scholarship amounts and administration policies. It redefines "minority" and establishes the "Increasing Educator Diversity Policy Oversight Council" to replace the previous council, expanding its duties. The bill sets a hiring goal for diverse teachers and administrators and introduces an adjunct professor permit for part-time instructors at higher education institutions to teach in public schools. It amends the curriculum development process, allowing for flexibility in meeting graduation requirements, and specifies the use of funds for supplemental grants and wrap-around services for students. The bill also mandates the development of a comprehensive reading curriculum model for grades K-3 and supports schools through coaching, professional development, and public reporting on reading curriculum implementations. Lastly, it establishes a local food for schools incentive program and the CT Grown for CT Kids Grant Program to increase the availability of local foods in child nutrition programs.

Statutes affected:
Committee Bill: 10-227, 10-10c, 10-16b
ED Joint Favorable Substitute: 10-227, 10-10c
File No. 551: 10-227, 10-10c
APP Joint Favorable: 10-227, 10-10c
Public Act No. 23-167: 10-227, 10-156ii, 10-156bb, 10-156ee, 10-156ff, 10-14hh, 10-14ii, 10-215l, 10-220d, 10-212, 10-262u, 10-212e, 10-222j, 10-222l, 10-222w, 10-233m, 10-220, 10-3c