General Assembly Raised Bill No. 470
February Session, 2020 LCO No. 3010
Referred to Committee on PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT
Introduced by:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General
Assembly convened:
1 Section 1. Subsection (b) of section 12-81g of the general statutes is
2 repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1,
3 2020):
4 (b) (1) Effective for the assessment year commencing October 1, [2013]
5 2020, and each assessment year thereafter, any municipality may, upon
6 approval by its legislative body or, in any town in which the legislative
7 body is a town meeting, by the board of selectmen, provide that, in lieu
8 of the additional exemption prescribed under subsection (a) of this
9 section, any person entitled to an exemption from property tax in
10 accordance with subdivision (20) of section 12-81, reflecting any increase
11 made pursuant to the provisions of section 12-62g, as amended by this
12 act, who has a disability rating of one hundred per cent, as determined
13 by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, shall be entitled to
14 an additional exemption from such tax in an amount equal to three times
15 the amount of the exemption provided for such person pursuant to
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16 subdivision (20) of section 12-81, provided such person's total adjusted
17 gross income as determined for purposes of the federal income tax, [plus
18 any other income not included in such adjusted income,] excluding
19 veterans' disability payments, individually if unmarried, or jointly with
20 spouse if married, during the calendar year ending immediately
21 preceding the filing of a claim for any such exemption, is not more than
22 twenty-four thousand dollars if such person is married or not more than
23 twenty-one thousand dollars if such person is not married.
24 (2) The provisions of this subsection shall not limit the applicability
25 of the provisions of subsection (a) of this section for persons not eligible
26 for the property tax exemption provided by this subsection.
27 Sec. 2. Section 12-81cc of the general statutes is repealed and the
28 following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2020, and
29 applicable to assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 2020):
30 Any person who has established his or her entitlement to a property
31 tax exemption under [subdivisions] subdivision (19), (20), (22), (23), (24),
32 (25), (26), (28) or (53) of section 12-81 or section 12-81g, as amended by
33 this act, for a particular assessment year shall be issued a certificate as
34 to such entitlement by the tax assessor of the relevant municipality. Such
35 person shall be entitled to such exemption in any municipality in this
36 state for such assessment year provided a copy of such certificate is
37 provided to the tax assessor of any municipality in which such
38 exemption is claimed and further provided such person would
39 otherwise have been eligible for such exemption in such municipality if
40 he or she had filed for such exemption as provided under the general
41 statutes.
42 Sec. 3. Subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 12-170e of the
43 general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu
44 thereof (Effective July 1, 2020):
45 (2) The amounts of income at each level of qualifying income, as
46 provided in the table in subdivision (1) of this subsection, shall be
47 adjusted annually in a uniform manner to reflect the annual inflation
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48 adjustment in Social Security income. Each such adjustment of
49 qualifying income shall be determined to the nearest one hundred
50 dollars and shall be applicable in determining the amount of grant
51 allowed under this subsection with respect to charges for rents,
52 electricity, gas, water and fuel actually paid during the preceding
53 calendar year. Each such adjustment of qualifying income shall be
54 prepared by the [Commissioner of Housing] Secretary of the Office of
55 Policy and Management in relation to the annual inflation adjustment
56 in Social Security, if any, becoming effective at any time during the
57 twelve-month period immediately preceding the first day of October
58 each year and shall be distributed to the assessors in each municipality
59 not later than the thirty-first day of December next following.
60 Sec. 4. Subsections (c) and (d) of section 7-325 of the general statutes
61 are repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July
62 1, 2020):
63 (c) The clerk of each district created pursuant to this chapter or any
64 provisions of the general statutes or any special act, shall report to the
65 town clerk of each town in which such district is located: (1) If created
66 by approval of a petition pursuant to subsection (a) of this section on or
67 after July 1, 1987, within seven days of such approval; and (2) on or
68 before July 31, 1993, and [annually thereafter for each such district,
69 irrespective of the date of creation] any time the charter or special act of
70 such district is amended. The first report filed after the creation of a
71 district shall include a list of the officers of such district, a copy of the
72 charter or special act of such district and such other information on the
73 organization and the financial status of such district as the Secretary of
74 the Office of Policy and Management may recommend. A copy of the
75 charter or special act of such district shall be included in any subsequent
76 report if such charter or special act was amended after the date of the
77 previous filing. No district, irrespective of the date of creation, created
78 by approval of a petition pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall
79 exist as a body corporate and politic until the clerk of such district has
80 filed at least one report required by this subsection. If a district is located
81 in more than one town, the report shall be filed by the district clerk with
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82 the town clerk of each town in which the district is located.
83 (d) [Any fine imposed on and after July 1, 1992, on a clerk for failure
84 to file a report required pursuant to subsection (c) of this section shall
85 be waived.] Not later than July 1, 2021, and annually thereafter, the tax
86 collector of each district shall submit a statement to the Secretary of the
87 Office of Policy and Management on a form prescribed by the secretary.
88 Such statement shall include complete information concerning the mill
89 rate and tax levy in the district for the preceding year. Any tax collector
90 who neglects to submit a true and correct statement shall forfeit one
91 hundred dollars to the state.
92 Sec. 5. Subsection (a) of section 19a-308 of the general statutes is
93 repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1,
94 2020):
95 (a) In any town in which there is a burial ground or cemetery
96 containing more than six places of interment [and not under the control
97 or management of any currently functioning cemetery association,] that
98 has been neglected and allowed to grow up to weeds, briars and bushes,
99 or about which the fences have become broken, decayed or dilapidated,
100 the selectmen of such town may cause such burial ground or cemetery
101 to be cleared of weeds, briars and bushes, may mow the ground's lawn
102 areas and may cause its fences or walls to be repaired and kept in
103 orderly and decent condition and its memorial stones to be straightened,
104 repaired and restored.
105 Sec. 6. Section 12-62 of the general statutes is repealed and the
106 following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2020, and
107 applicable to assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 2021):
108 (a) As used in this chapter:
109 (1) "Assessor" means the person responsible for establishing property
110 assessments for purposes of a town's grand list and includes a board of
111 assessors;
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112 (2) "Field review" means the process by which an assessor, a member
113 of an assessor's staff or person designated by an assessor examines each
114 parcel of real property in its neighborhood setting, compares observable
115 attributes to those listed on such parcel's corresponding property
116 record, makes any necessary corrections based on such observation and
117 verifies that such parcel's attributes are accounted for in the valuation
118 being developed for a revaluation;
119 (3) "Full inspection" or "fully inspect" means to measure or verify the
120 exterior dimensions of a building or structure and to enter and examine
121 the interior of such building or structure in order to observe and record
122 or verify the characteristics and conditions thereof, provided permission
123 to enter such interior is granted by the property owner or an adult
124 occupant;
125 (4) "Planning region" has the same meaning as provided in section 4-
126 124i;
127 [(4)] (5) "Real property" means all the property described in section
128 12-64;
129 [(5)] (6) "Revaluation" or "revalue" means to establish the present true
130 and actual value of all real property in a town as of a specific assessment
131 date;
132 (7) "Revaluation zone" means one of five geographic areas in the state
133 established by the secretary utilizing the boundaries of the nine
134 planning regions;
135 [(6)] (8) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Office of Policy and
136 Management, or said secretary's designee; and
137 [(7)] (9) "Town" means any town, consolidated town and city or
138 consolidated town and borough.
139 (b) (1) (A) Commencing October 1, 2006, and until September 30,
140 2021, each town shall implement a revaluation not later than the first
141 day of October that follows, by five years, the October first assessment
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142 date on which the town's previous revaluation became effective,
143 provided, a town that opted to defer a revaluation, pursuant to section
144 12-62l, shall implement a revaluation not later than the first day of
145 October that follows, by five years, the October first assessment date on
146 which the town's deferred revaluation became effective.
147 (B) Commencing October 1, 2021, (i) each town shall implement a
148 revaluation not later than the first day of October that follows, by five
149 years, an October first assessment date set in accordance with a
150 revaluation date schedule prescribed by the secretary for each
151 revaluation zone, (ii) any town's required revaluation subsequent to any
152 delayed revaluation implemented pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this
153 subdivision shall be implemented in accordance with this section, and
154 (iii) any such revaluation subsequent to any delayed revaluation shall
155 recommence on the date set in such revaluation date schedule
156 prescribed for the revaluation zone in which such town is located, which
157 revaluation date schedule applied to such town prior to such delay.
158 (C) The town shall use assessments derived from each such
159 revaluation for the purpose of levying property taxes for the assessment
160 year in which such revaluation is effective and for each assessment year
161 that follows until the ensuing revaluation becomes effective.
162 (2) When conducting a revaluation, an assessor shall use generally
163 accepted mass appraisal methods which may include, but need not be
164 limited to, the market sales comparison approach to value, the cost
165 approach to value and the income approach to value. Prior to the
166 completion of each revaluation, the assessor shall conduct a field
167 review. Except in a town that has a single assessor, the members of the
168 board of assessors shall approve, by majority vote, all valuations
169 established for a revaluation.
170 (3) An assessor, member of an assessor's staff or person designated
171 by an assessor may, at any time, fully inspect any parcel of improved
172 real property in order to ascertain or verify the accuracy of data listed
173 on the assessor's property record for such parcel. Except as provided in
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174 subdivision (4) of this subsection, the assessor shall fully inspect each
175 such parcel once in every ten assessment years, provided, if the full
176 inspection of any such parcel occurred in an assessment year preceding
177 that commencing October 1, 1996, the assessor shall fully inspect such
178 parcel not later than the first day of October of 2009, and shall thereafter
179 fully inspect such parcel in accordance with this section. Nothing in this
180 subsection shall require the assessor to fully inspect all of a town's
181 improved real property parcels in the same assessment year and in no
182 case shall an assessor be required to fully inspect any such parcel more
183 than once during every ten assessment years.
184 (4) An assessor may, at any time during the period in which a full
185 inspection of each improved parcel of real property is required, send a
186 questionnaire to the owner of such parcel to (A) obtain information
187 concerning the property's acquisition, and (B) obtain verification of the
188 accuracy of data listed on the assessor's property record for such parcel.
189 An assessor shall develop and institute a quality assurance program
190 with respect to responses received to such questionnaires. If satisfied
191 with the results of said program concerning such questionnaires, the
192 assessor may fully inspect only those parcels of improved real property
193 for which satisfactory verification of data listed on the assessor's
194 property record has not been obtained and is otherwise unavailable. The
195 full inspection requirement in subdivision (3) of this subsection shall not
196 apply to any parcel of improved real property for which the assessor
197 obtains satisfactory verification of data listed on the assessor's property
198 record.
199 (c) The following shall be available for public inspection in the
200 assessor's office, in the manner provided for access to public records in
201 subsection (a) of section 1-210, not later than the date written notices of
202 real property valuations are mailed in accordance with subsection (f) of
203 this section: (1) Any criteria, guidelines, price schedules or statement of
204 procedures used in such revaluation by the assessor or by any
205 revaluation company that the assessor designates to perform mass
206 appraisal or field review functions, all of which shall continue to be
207 available for public inspection until the town's next revaluation becomes
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208 effective; and (2) a compilation of all real property sales in each
209 neighborhood for the twelve months preceding the date on which each
210 revaluation is effective, the selling prices of which are representative of
211 the fair market values of the properties sold, which compilation shall
212 continue to be available for public inspection for a period of not less than
213 twelve months immediately following a revaluation's effective date. If
214 the assessor changes any property valuation as determined by the
215 revaluation company, the assessor shall document, in writing, the
216 reason for such change and shall append such written explanation to the
217 property card for the real estate parcel whose revaluation was changed.
218 Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to permit the assessor to
219 post a plan or drawing of a dwelling unit of a residential property's
220 interior on the Internet or to otherwise publish such plan or drawing.
221 (d) (1) The chief executive officer of a town shall notify the Secretary
222 of the Office of Policy and Management that the town is effecting a
223 revaluation by sending a written notice to the secretary not later than
224 thirty days after the date on which such town's assessor signs a grand
225 list that reflects assessments of real property derived from a revaluation.
226 Any town that fails to effect a revaluation for the assessment date
227 required by this section shall be subject to a penalty effective for the
228 fiscal year commencing on the first day of July following such
229 assessment date, and continuing for each successive fiscal year in which
230 the town fails to levy taxes on the basis of such revaluation, provided
231 the secretary shall not impose such penalty with respect to any
232 assessment year in which the provisions of subsection (b) of section 12-
233 117 are applicable. Such penalty shall be the forfeit of the amount
234 otherwise allocable to such town pursuant to section 7-536, as ame